13 February 2008

HIV Awareness - Video Project

Kate Muammar is a member of YWAM Africa's Field Service Team; she promotes and supports healthy practices in YWAM communities, with regards to HIV/AIDS, and also facilitates ministry engagement with this critical issue. But, as one person supporting these grassroots initiatives across the whole continent of Africa, Kate is in need of multiplying herself!

AfriCom offered to help Kate by working with her to produce a short DVD. The goal of the piece is to provide YWAM centers with a brief overview of the facts and to present some simple, healthy choices leaders and staff can make in order to fight stigma, promote prevention and care for one another. A further DVD is planned to help YWAM ministries understand how to incorporate HIV/AIDS awareness into their regular ministry to the people around them: DTS leaders can include HIV training in their curriculum; Personnel Directors can make sure they orientate new staff to healthy base practices; and so on. In both cases the DVDs will be accompanied by helpful workbooks to enable staff to learn more and to discuss the issues together.

Kate has been visiting Cape Town from Lusaka, Zambia, where she is based. We used the time to begin planning the DVD with her. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to collaborate with other members of the Field Service Team on efforts to strengthen YWAM Africa ... and to help Kate be in several places at once, at least on screen!

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