YWAMers from around South Africa gathered together in Muizenberg this past month. The University of the Nations’ provost team was in Cape Town and hosted a five day workshop known as UniQuip. The goal of UniQuip - which started in Kona and will next be held in Burtigny - is to train and equip YWAM staff and leaders. On the agenda for South Africa was the desire to bring greater understanding of the University of the Nations; how it functions and how it compliments and strengthens the big picture of global YWAM ministries.
The five day schedule was a balance of time for corporate meetings and time for small-group training modules, facilitated by the UniQuip leaders.
Through our time together God spoke clearly to YWAM South Africa and to individuals. During the devotional times He affirmed and challenged YWAMers from South Africa to rise up and see the potential missions force around them; the townships are filled with people who are willing and able to play their part in the writing of missions' history. Through the story of Elijah Colleen Milstein challenged fellow YWAMers to look for the cloud – the beginnings of fulfilled promise – and to move in response to it, as Elijah started to move knowing that the rain was on its way. To see the cloud is to see what might come, even though it may be far off. “We need to go into the practical world and make our hands dirty with our passion” Colleen said. The need to persevere through all seasons was emphasized. So where are you today … and do you see the cloud?